Standard Poodle Rescue
An early English “Water Dog” similar to the poodle also existed.  The Russian
poodle was more like a greyhound in appearance, while the German poodle was
sturdier and woollier.

Early poodles were large dogs used as water retrievers, and it is because of this
serious occupation that the Continental clip evolved.  Poodles’ coats were very
heavy when wet, so the dogs were shaved in the areas that didn’t need protection
from the cold water (like the hind end and the legs), with ankles, chest, and head
kept covered with hair.  The continental clip may appear silly to some, but it has its
origins in athleticism and hard work.

Poodles are glamorous, comical, elegant, athletic and very smart.  They are #2 for
trainability (behind the border collie at #1).  They are not low maintenance dogs,
however.  The fact that they don’t shed is wonderful, but that curly coat makes
frequent grooming absolutely essential. They also REQUIRE human
companionship, but that’s easy because they make excellent family members.

It is important to exercise your poodle’s physical body as well as his mind.
Regular walks, games of fetch in the yard, off leash romps with other dogs at a
dog park are great ways to wear your dog out.  Obedience training is also a must
for this breed.  It will provide the mental stimulation for your clever dog.  It’s also a
great way for the two of you to communicate with one another.  If your dog is well
trained you can take him anywhere.

Size and variety:

-Standard Poodles are over 15” at the shoulder

-Miniature Poodles are over 10”  and under 15” at the shoulder

-Toy poodles are under 10” at the shoulder
About The Breed
Copyright (c) 2012 Standard Poodle Rescue.